Your dog is your responsibility. It is up to you to make sure that he is not causing any annoyance to your neighbors. Even if they are dog lovers themselves and are ready to accommodate a reasonable amount of disturbance from your dog’s barking, it can become really taxing if it continues day in and day out.
You may have come to accept constant barking by your dog as part of the deal and may have become oblivious to the annoyance it is causing others. The best way to find out whether your dog is causing any trouble is to ask your neighbors directly. If anything, it shows that you care about them.
Almost all dogs will bark when they see a strange person or an unusual happening. But if your dog is barking continuously, even when you are at home to check out the matter, it is undesirable behavior. You can reasonably assume that the same behavior continues when you are away from home during the day. This can be troublesome for the neighbors.
You can try to curb excessive barking with patient training. Also, when you go out, you can avoid leaving the dog in the yard because many outside distractions can trigger more barking episodes. The dog barking from inside the house will be muted and less annoying to the neighbors.
Some dogs do not have a problem when the owners are at home, but they may bark incessantly when they are left alone. If your neighbors are complaining about your otherwise angelic dog, you can assume that the dog is barking due to anxiety. Sometimes, extra attention from you and more outings to the park may help normalize the dog.
If the dog continues barking due to the anxiety of being left alone, you can arrange for someone to walk your dog once or twice during your absence. You can consider the option of keeping him in a dog daycare facility as well.

Be attentive to your neighbors’ complaints, and do everything you can to curb excessive barking, but avoid being defensive. As a matter of fact, neighbors of families with troublesome dogs are known to invest in ultrasonic dog control devices more often than dog owners.
As a responsible dog owner and a person with concern for neighbors, you can even seek their suggestions as to how you can make things better for them. Getting your neighbors involved is the key to avoiding misunderstandings with them.
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