You can always buy a puppy from a pet shop or a breeder, but there is nothing more noble and rewarding than adopting a dog who is in dire need of a loving home. Animal centers are crowded with such needy dogs, so it may not be too difficult to find a dog right for you.
But there are a few things you should keep in mind to make adoption of an adult dog as great an experience as it should be. Many dog owners forget them and start the relationship on a wrong foot, finally ending up frustrated and regretting their decision to adopt.
Here are three important tips to help you make a success of adopting a dog:
Teach the Dog What He is Expected to Do
Housetraining is not just for puppies. When you bring any new dog into your home, remember that the dog is perplexed by the new surroundings and new people.
No matter how lovingly everyone treats him, he feels like a stranger until you teach him exactly what he should and should not do in your home. That includes showing them where to do his potty and where to sleep, the places he is not allowed to use, how to behave with young children etc.
Do not expect him to know all these things intuitively or to learn them overnight. A confused dog tends to be fearful and destructive, so misbehaviour on the dog’s part should be viewed as a need for more training.
Use Positive Methods to Reinforce Good Behaviour
Punishment should not be your tool to train the adopted dog. Remember that he is ill at ease and confused in the new surroundings. Most destructive actions and refusal to obey stem from this. Do not add to his confusion by handing out punishments.
Be patient as you housetrain him and be generous with praise and rewards when he does get something right. This will tell him what he should do to get the same reaction from you.
On the other hand, when you punish a dog, you are not telling him what to do. Dogs do not understand why you are punishing him unless you do it right when he is engaged in an undesirable act. There is no good and bad behavior in the dog’s book. He just desires to please you by repeating actions that are sure to earn praise and rewards from you.

Be Consistent in Your Responses
If you react differently at different times to the same action, the dog will get confused. Make sure that every member of the family knows the house rules for the dog and strictly maintains it.
If the dog is not allowed on the sofa, but one person cuddles up with him there, it sends mixed signals to the dog. It is ideal if there is an understanding about who handles the dog care chores such as feeding him at regular times, taking him for potty, giving him a bath etc.
Maintaining a regular and consistent routine helps the dog feel at home and behave the way you want him to and pave the way to a rewarding relationship.
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