Do you know which dog breeds have blue eyes? While all dogs have eyes that can appear blue in specific lighting, some breeds are more prone to bright blue eyes.
Most popular dog breeds that may have blue eyes: Australian shepherd, Border collie, Siberian husky, Great Dane, Alaskan malamute, Samoyed, American Eskimo dog, Berger Picard, Catahoula leopard dog, Collie, Great Pyrenees, Old English sheepdog, Shetland sheepdog, and Welsh corgi.
If you are looking for a dog with strikingly beautiful blue eyes, you may consider one of these breeds!
15 Beautiful Dog Breeds with Blue Eyes
1. Australian shepherd: The Australian shepherd is a medium to large breed of herding dog developed on ranches in the Western United States. They often have striking blue eyes.
2. Border collie: The border collie is a working and herding dog breed developed in the Anglo-Scottish border region for herding livestock, especially sheep. They are known for their intense stare, which they use to herd their flock. They often have blue eyes or one blue eye and one brown eye (heterochromia).
3. Catahoula leopard dog: The Catahoula leopard dog is a domestic dog named after Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, in the United States. They are often blue-eyed and known for their webbed feet, making them good swimmers.
4. Great Dane: The Great Dane is a large German breed of domestic dog known for its enormous body and height. Great Danes are one of the tallest dog breeds, but they are also gentle giants. They often have blue eyes.
5. Husky: The Siberian husky is a medium-sized working dog breed that originated in Siberia. They are known for their thick fur coats, which can be white, black, grey, copper, or mixed. They often have blue eyes.
6. Maltese: Maltese is a small dog breed in the Toy Group. It descends from dogs originating in the Central Mediterranean Area. The Maltese are gentle, loving, intelligent, and responsive to training. They often have blue eyes.
7. Old English sheepdog: The Old English Sheepdog is a large breed of herding dog developed in England from early herding types of dogs. They typically have a blue merle coat with black patches. They often have blue eyes.
8. Pomeranian: The Pomeranian is a small, spitz-type breed of domestic dog. Originally from Pomerania, a historical region in northern Poland and northeast Germany, the Pomeranian is named after the city of Pomerania. They often have blue eyes.
9. Shetland sheepdog: The Shetland sheepdog, also called a “Sheltie,” is a type of dog used to herd sheep. They are small to medium Shetland sheepdogs and come in various colors, including black, blue merle, and sable. They often have blue eyes.
10. Weimaraner: The Weimaraner is a large dog originally bred for hunting in the early 19th century. They are stylish dogs with long muzzles, floppy ears, and athletic appearance. They often have blue eyes.
11 Welsh Corgi: The Welsh corgi is a small type of herding dog that originated in Wales. Two breeds are recognized: the Pembroke Welsh corgi and the Cardigan Welsh corgi. They often have blue eyes.
12. Australian Cattle Dog: The Australian Cattle Dog, also known as a Blue Heeler or Red Heeler, is a herding dog developed in Australia for driving cattle over long distances across rough terrain. They often have blue eyes.
13. Alaskan Malamute: The Alaskan Malamute is a large American breed of domestic dog originally bred for their strength and endurance to haul heavy freight as sled dogs.
They are considered one of the most versatile dog breeds and can be used for sledding, dogsledding, racing, carting, weight pulling, and skijoring. They often have blue eyes.
14. Anatolian Shepherd: The Anatolian Shepherd is a large breed of dog from the Anatolian plateau in central Turkey. They were originally bred as guard dogs and are still used in many parts of the world. They often have blue eyes.
15. Australian Terrier: The Australian terrier is a small breed of dog of the terrier type that was developed in Australia, although the exact origins are unknown. They were originally bred to hunt rodents and snakes but are now primarily kept as pets.

What Causes Blue Eyes in Dogs?
Several factors can cause blue eyes in dogs. The merle gene is the most common, responsible for some breeds’ dappled or spotted coat patterns. This gene can also affect eye color, resulting in blue eyes. Other genes that can cause blue eyes include albinism and leucism. Blue eyes might be a symptom of health issues even if some people think they are attractive.
For example, dogs with blue eyes are more prone to developing juvenile cataracts. Therefore, it is important to consult with a veterinarian if your dog’s eyes have suddenly turned blue.
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